Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Everyone messes up... write?

 Ha, So. I just thought that today, I would skim the top layer of embarrassing things that happen to everyone… well, I hope they happen to everyone.
                Let’s start with one, not-so-embarrassing, common thing. Something I call the “miss speller”. It is on the low for my blush levels, partly because, it’s not face to face. Here is my scenario; On Facebook I wrote something to this extent “Yay! Got knew kleats. I’m so pumped for fall season!” Then a few minutes after my post had been loitering the walls of all my 800 something friends, I got a notification. It was from none other, then my crush. “Hehe!” I’m thinking to myself “I KNEW he would finally talk to me one day!” After a little fiesta of dancing and singing, calling up my girls to tell them the tremendous news, writing the date and time in my journal (you know, the regular drill.) I come to find that he had put something like “You spelled c-l-e-a-t wrong”. Wow. Smarto miss Suellen.
                Ahh man. This next one happened to me just the other day. I have a mind either overflowing with thoughts, or no such thing as a “thought” is floating around. I would like to say that it is overflowing, but people may say different. Have you ever been listening to someone talking, but you kind of blank it out? I wonder if that is some type of open-eye sleeping. If so, wow I sleep a lot! So, I was at lunch listening to the regular lunch chit-chat. That particular day I was rather slow getting to lunch, and couldn’t find any of the regular girls, so I ended up stuck with the boys. They don’t eat at 1,000,000 miles per hour. They were talking about video games, and in my mind, I translated it to soccer, or something, I can’t remember exactly what my crippled brain formed it too, but I started raving on about it, and everyone is looking at me like.. “uh, what the crap” And I feel my face turn red and I say something like “Oh, you were talking about VIDEO GAMES I get you know, I was just thin…” And right about that time, people start to get I’m and idiot, and continue on with their old conversation. Oh, and interruptions are pretty embarrassing too. But, I have gotten used to them J.
                Everything seems to be awkward in some way. But the accidental “butt slap” or “hand hold” or “trip on to them so you’re both on the floor, and you actually don’t know them” or “walk into them backwards and when you try to apologize they just look away” are some of my favorite awkward moments. What are you supposed to say when their like “did you just touch my butt”. I usually say “uh, NO! Eww.. you’re a girl, I’m a girl, I’m not bisexual or anything, I like BOYS okay? Boys! Male is my motto.” And I always end up over explaining that I like BOYS to them. And they always walk away in the middle of my sentence.  I always say too much. Always.
                Ok, call me a terrible friend for this one. But, when I’m put in the situation of something reminding me of something somebody told me, I always have an inner argument with myself if they told me not to tell or not. I can never seem to remember! I’ll accidentally tell someone that so and so and so and so are totally a thing now. And all the sudden, I’m getting angry looks in the hall. And at that point, I usually believe that I wasn’t supposed to say anything. Though, on occasion, I’ll go into deep frustrational thought about why all the sudden people hate me and I try to change everything about myself. Maybe I should write down what to say and what not to say. Yeah, yeah! Good idea, right?
                Those are all that I will mention, but I bet that your brain naturally started bubbling humorous thoughts of times that you greatly embarrassed yourselves. Maybe I will add on to this thought next week, but, au revior for now! (I hope that is how you spell revior, since I’m taking French and have been for about 2 years. Tehe.)

1 comment:

  1. That was almost right! You just mixed up the letters, it's Au revoir, So close! Even I almost had to look it up in the French textbook.
    " Male is my motto." I LOVE it!
