Saturday, March 31, 2012

Girls v. Boys

In my regular English class, there was a question that we had to write a response to that was at least 100 words. I wrote about that many, and felt rather unfinished. So I thought that I would continue the thought. The question was whether same sex or opposite sex make better ‘best friends’. I certainly couldn’t sufficiently pontificate this in a measly hundred words, so I will continue, but I am just going to do it from my own (a girls’) point of view.

My best friend is a girl! And there are many advantages; I can just talk, and she will listen. It seems that when I am with boys, I always have to be running around, doing something constantly, and it feels like only in a blue moon that we just sit and talk.  I don’t really have to look like anything spectacular, or flirt (that would be freaking weird). With girls, you can primp. If you didn’t already know, primping is when you get ready even further than you had at the beginning of the day. My best friend and I primped for like 4 hours on New Year’s Eve. Partly because nobody could hangout before 7, and I went over to her house at like 2, and once we got started, we just couldn’t stop! Sure, I ended up running around, getting all dirty therefore undoing all my ‘hard work’, but it was kind of a bonding thing, I guess. Chick flicks are another thing. I won’t even go into that, they are pretty self explanatory. It’s always nice to have one girl there when you are hanging out with a group of guys. If you need to go to the bathroom, or start your period, or anything of that sort, then you automatically have a reassurance by your side. Boys don’t really care and are grossed out. I love my best friend! Anything negative doesn’t apply to her, we are really close and so it is always good to have her around!

Now onto boys; boys are so fun to hang out with! You can always find something fun to do, and I feel like you never end up sitting around eating ice cream getting fat, which is, you know, nice. Boys are so much easier to get along with, especially if you don’t know them really well. I would rather be in a situation stuck with some guy that I didn’t know than a girl. It might just be because of the constant attraction girls and boys have that makes it more interesting. Some of the most fun times that I have had are when I am the only girl. I can express my less feminine side… Which is watching sports, and playing sports and eating lots, and etc. I have a really competitive nature, and so it is a great time when I get somebody that I can compete with and that will kick my butt so I can actually get better. With girls, it is always just a little more weak, and wimpy..You know what I mean? I don’t get self conscious when I am the only girl. Though it is nice to have a girl there to help you look alright, there is so much competition; it is just natural law. Even if the guys aren’t hot and you don’t like any of them, for some reason, you just have to be the one they talk to. And last but not least, the obvious; there is so much less drama! Girls have drama written all over them.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dude... 4th term already?

Holy crap.
. The other day, I went swimming at this one place called Crystal Hot Springs, and I lay in the sun for like 3 hours straight. The only thing that I gained is a whole lot more freckles. But that night when I climbed under my covers, a great smell came about. A smell that just whispers…Summer. I bet you know the smell; it is a mixture of salt, chlorine, grass, sunscreen, all those things associated with summer. Though these things might not smell good on their own, but when you blend them together on your skin… you get a smell that just opens up your lungs, charges your muscles, and awakens your senses. This smell makes you WANT to get out, makes you crave going on a run, sitting by the pool, it makes you want to smile. This smell is ultimately described as “sun”. It is what keeps the world warm. It is what makes water sparkle. It makes everything glow. It just makes the world beautiful. I love the sun.  

To sum things up a little essay I would like to call Charles Darwin (I don't exactly believe in what Charles Darwin thought, though humanity may, but it was worth like 200 points, so I guess it is okay to go against my beliefs.. since it's for school and all. What I don't really understand is, why isn't it an option to write an essay on why you don't think that this is right? But that is just my opinion...):
Charles Darwin
A Gentle Revolutionary
        Beliefs on evolution are vast and wide. Some believe that nothing can evolve, and that everything is how it was created by a great procreator. Others, that species evolve over time. And even some believe that there is a path or route that animals take with evolution in order to get to a point where they will be the best that they could be. Which are right and which are wrong? Well this essay isn’t about what I think, but it is about the life/ decisions of Charles Darwin.
 Charles Darwin had dreams; not exactly his though. He wanted to become like his father, and his grandfather who were both physicians. When that didn’t work out, due to a disliking of the college courses, he wanted to become a naturalist. And a naturalist he was.
He set voyage on a ship called the Beagle. As it traveled in South America, he passed the Galapagos Islands. He came across a species of bird that was similar to one from a different region, with the only difference pertaining to that of the beak shape. He started asking himself questions on what he thought about evolution. He doubted one belief that said that the creator visited every little island, so he came up with his own thoughts and beliefs on the theory of evolution.
        He believed that animals had arbitrary evolution patterns; that nature had no control on how the animals would evolve, or even if they would evolve.
        Something cool about Charles Darwin is that he was buried next to Isaac Newton, because of his significant impact on science.
Some people didn’t like him, others did. But if you like Charles Darwin or not, you have to understand the role he played in figuring out the “correct” way evolution takes place!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A N?????????????????????

What the heck!!! So I am checking my grades, and I got a 3.9.. yay!! I am so happy!!!. But while I was skimming over my citizenship grades, I had all H's and then my  eyes caught the sight of a N? What? I After rubbing them, getting a drink of water, and breathing deep it came to my terrified realization that it really was a…a…a............ a N. I'm like, are you freaking kidding me? And I have it in geography of all places, where I thought that the teacher liked me. But I guess not. It doesn't make sense. I have never been tardy, I listen and participate in that class just as much if not more than my other classes, I get most my assignments in on time; there has only been like two that I haven't gotten in. The only thing is a few times he told me to be quiet when I was talking. But does that deserve a N? I really don't think so. And other kids in my class that talk aren't getting N's. They aren't even getting S's. They are getting G's. I am on the verge of either hyperventilating, or just thinking that it is a mistake. Oh please oh please be a mistake. I would be okay if he said that I was getting a N and gave me that slip thing, and then let me have the chance to work it off. But no, I just see it here when I am checking my grades and the term is already over. Are you pooping me right now? Tomorrow I will go and talk to him, but who knows if citizenship can be made up after the term is over. I am willing to work if work is needed! But honestly, I can’t think why I have that. Okay. It will probably be okay. NO! Doesn’t it take tons of work to change it? I really hope that he would be able to change it. I guess I am more mad that I have the N without knowing why than having the N. I seriously don’t think that this is fair. Why didn’t he tell me that I had one before? Because the last few weeks I have been really  good, I swear! My parents are going to kill me. I can’t believe this! I am so grounded! OH…..(insert name of geography teacher)… Curses…. Are you trying to give me a heart attack, or ruin my life? And also, I totally thought that he liked me as a student! You know? Like he just didn’t seem annoyed when I talked to him, and he would say hey in the hall! He even greeted me first! Is he bipolar? I don’t understand. Oh man. It’s time to go take a bath and start on my new book that I am going to read for this term. Yoga would be nice too. I am so happy that track is starting up. Good exercise will help! I have never gotten a N! This is so confusing to me. My brain is going to explode. Have a good day. Pooooooey.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Responses to the Black Death

How different were the responses of the Christians and Muslims to the Black Death?

            The Black Death took place in the mid 14th century, resulting in the deaths of one third of the deaths of the Middle East and Europe at that time. The Black Death spread from China to Europe (Document 1). It was believed to be caused vicariously through rodents; specifically through the fleas that nested in the pests. The Black Death brought death to most of the people who started to show symptoms (Introduction). Though everybody must have acted different, they have separated the reactions primarily into two groups; the reactions of the Christians, and the reaction of the Muslims.

            The reactions of Christians at this time were panicked, as alike mine would had been. They would dig ditches, and pile dead bodies. Once the ditches were filled, more would be made. Many people abandoned their own family trying to escape the terrifying symptoms; these symptoms started with swelling in their crevices, and spitting blood. After the symptoms, death itself would follow (Document 3). Along with panic, the people became more and more wicked, taking every little chance to cause malice; priests even focused more on the pay, than their own salvation, and the salvation of their people (Document 6).

            Christians even went to the extent of blaming others; the Jews particularly. The Jews were blamed for poisoning the wells. People of Strasbourg tried to protect the Jews from a mob; but that failed. The people would burn the Jews to death and or pull them; limb for limb, apart. Every crank depended on them saying if they were guilty or not. Therefore, death was the only way out for the Jews (Document 7). Christians reacted through fear, and viciousness. But, how did the Muslims react?

            Muslims reacted very different from the Christians. Muslims turned to their religion, fasting and praying for the space of many days (Document 9). They went forward with religious activities (Document 10). They basically just let what was going to happen; happen. They even went as far to look upon it as a blessing (Document 4).

            The Christians reacted with evil, panic and wrong doings. The Muslims reacted with good deeds, praying and fasting, and turning to religion. In conclusion, they reacted very different towards the Black Death.

Great Expectations

Great Expectations was a pretty good book. Reading it, I felt smart and sophisticated due to the language in it: Olden days. It is a little complicated to read but I liked the story line, even though it was slow moving at some parts. I would recommend it to anyone that is mature, and can read fast. This book is really boring if you read it a few pages at a time. If you read it in bigger chunks, it helps to make the book more interesting.
The beginning of the book is my favorite. Talk about attention grabbing! Pip is in a churchyard, when he is approached by a convict. The convict threatens him, and eventually gets Pip to give him food. Later on, Pip goes and lives with an old lady who has broken dreams; Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham has an adopted daughter named Estella, Pip ends up falling in love with her. As he grows older, he wants to become a gentleman. Sadly, Estella is getting married. He gets a benefactor; who ends up being the convict. The convict shows up to his apartment, which is rather frightening to Pip. There are many twists and turns in this part of the book; with lots of twists and suprising connections. The convict soon dies in result of broken ribs; and Pip's inheritance is taken away. He goes to jail; and his brother in law comes and gets him, taking him back.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Perfect Boy

Every girl has their expectations of what their perfect boy would be like. I don’t know if that is the same for boys, actually I am pretty sure it isn’t. Even though it would be nice for your soul mate to match your perfect person, they usually aren’t. Even with this discouraging thought, it is still nice to dream! So I would just like to give my list of qualities and such for my “perfect boy”.
Let’s start with the outward appearance. Tall would be nice, at least 7 inches taller than me. Fit, you know; good muscles, active, and etc. A good back and shoulders, most people wouldn’t really be focused on that, but it really makes a difference. Bacne (back acne) is not attractive. Smell and hygiene; Really. Food doesn’t smell good, sorry guys. I like the smell of manly deodorant; it’s not that hard to find a good smelling deodorant, take a girl with you. Good hands is a big thing too, long fingernails is the most disgusting (okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration) thing. Especially if there is crap in them. He will also have to KNOW how to hold hands. Interlocking fingers is nice, but not the whole mitten hand approach. I like it when guys where socks when they are inside. I hate how feet look. Okay, enough on outward. Let’s dig a little deeper.
Passionate is the biggest thing for me. Anything; if they are passionate about something (and again, I say anything), it is so attractive. Even if it is something totally nerdy, like fencing, or something. I just wish that guys would just EXPRESS THEIR FEELINGS. If you like me, tell me you like me! My heck. Religious is nice. Yes, I love it when guys love God. Nice, courteous, devoted, outgoing, loyal, loving, mother-loving (any boy that treats his girl like a princess, has been raised by a queen), nice to kids and animals, warm, good hugger, good kisser (c’mon), smart, gets good grades (actually great grades, I need to be provided for), clean, organized, understanding, funny (not dirty funny, because then we are ASSURED of what’s going on in your head. We can pretend like you’re not thinking nasty things about girls the whole time, but when you express it, no), good eye connection (looks at your eyes), knows how to text back (it hurts feelings), not afraid to be unpopular, romantic (not all the time though, but every once in a while. Another word but Baby, or Babe, or Sexy, or Hottie. We like Beautiful, and gorgeous, and princess, and honey, and sweetie, and…just anything that doesn’t refer to our sexual appeal.), accents (bonus, but let’s not get stuck on that), slow to temper  (but knows how to argue).
OH I could go on forever, but I am getting close to my 500 words, and who would want to do more work than is required? Not me! Especially since I have more homework to do that is due tomorrow. Have a great week!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Israeli-Palestine Conflict Report

            The Israeli-Palestinian crisis is known as one of the world’s longest on-going problems. Could solving this long going feud resolve conflicts in the Middle East? Many think so. But just how could we solve this crisis? Could these two states live in peace and happiness side by side?

            Some people have suggested plans that I took the time to look into, and read about. They are called the “one-state solution” and “two-state solution”. I am going to start off with one-state solution and tell you about that.

            The one-state solution is where there will be a focused support for a specific side. This could be good because it would be making the two “equal”. It would mean that they would have to share the land, making Jerusalem equal to both Muslim and Christian religions. Although, I don’t think that this is entirely fair  though the sound of “equality” makes the plan sound more appealing. I like the two-state solution plan better.

            Jerusalem is a holy land for Muslims. While they need to try to live in harmony with their neighbors, they should still be accepted and respected for their beliefs. The two-state solution would probably be better, or at least I think so, than the one-state solution. The two-state plan would separate the two (Israeli and Palestinian), leaving them as totally different entities. Ehud Barak said “Without such a separation, there is no future for the Zionist dream.”

            Both of these plans have their ups and downs. I think that if they favor one side, it will cause contentions. However, if they separate the two, then they might also end up quarreling. If I were to pick the way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis, I would choose the two-state solution. It would give them fewer reasons to fight.

            If solving the Israeli-Palestinian dilemma would solve [all] problems in the Middle East, I don’t know. But I do know that if they can get it figured out, then the lives of the Israeli and Palestinian people would be easier!


Judgement of Paris

The Judgment of Paris; you can’t escape fate

            Babies are abandoned sometimes. Reasons? There are many. Not enough money to support the kid, going insane, just want to party, I could go on and on, but for now, I want to tell you a story about a guy named Paris. Paris was abandoned, left to die, all because of a warning that he would be the downfall to Troy; the city which his parents were the rulers of. Meanwhile, while Paris is living on a lonely island, there is a banquet going on. Eris, the god of discord, was not invited. She was furious. She threw a golden apple into the banquet which had “for the fairest” written on it (Michael Stewart). Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, seeing the apple, wanted to know which one of them deserved it the best. They went to Zeus to have him judge who would get the apple.  Zeus, knowing that if he chose one, the other two would hate him, sent them to Paris. The most beautiful women Paris had ever seen were asking him to judge which was the most beautiful. What a decision! Each of the women tried to bribe him. Hera made a promise that if he chose her, she would make him the ruler of the land. Athena promised that he would be successful in war. Aphrodite had the deal breaker, she promised him the most beautiful woman in the land to fall in love with him. (MMIX Mythica) The interesting story The Judgment of Paris illustrates three themes.

            The first theme that I think is mainly illustrated in the Judgment of Paris would be that you can’t escape your fate. Later in the story; Paris chooses to pick Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess because she had promised him Helen; the most beautiful woman in the land. Even though Helen was already married, she would find Paris irresistible. Paris kidnaps Helen, and she falls in love with him. Her family is furious. When they find out that Paris is the son of the Trojan rulers, they decide to attack the city, which consequently resulted in a 10 year war which was the downfall of Troy (Cheryl Evans and Anne Millard 42). Him destroying Troy was the reason his parent’s abandoned him, but yet, he was not able to escape his fate (Kathleen Myers 35).

            The second theme that it shows is that gods manipulate and use mortals for their own good. IN the beginning of the story, each of the goddesses; Aphrodite, Hera, and Atehna all try to bribe Paris into picking them to be the most beautiful goddesses so that they will be able to obtain victory of the beauty contest (Cheryl Evans and Anne Millard 41). In this example, the theme that gods manipulate and use mortals for their own good is illustrated.

            The third and final theme that the Judgment of Paris elucidates  is that beauty can be controlling. Who was the winner of the contest? Aphrodite. What is she the goddess of? Love and beauty (Micha Lindemans). Obviously, love has something rather appealing to it. Paris chose love over success in war (which was a big thing in their time period), over ruling over land. Both of those things could have probably resulted in love sooner or later, and I know this because trust me, ladies like a successful man. But because it was love, he picked it fast. Therefore, my point proven, the theme love can be controlling is also illustrated in the story of the Judgment of Paris.


            So be it not being able to escape fate, being manipulated by gods and goddesses, or being controlled by love, the story of the Judgment of Paris demonstrates them all.