Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Science Article

  Merry Christmas! So this is just a homework assignment that I did a little while ago, and I didn't really want to write anything. It's almost 2012! Hopefully the world wont end.        
        Sometimes when I would go to babysit a specific family, the 3 year old would always scream and cry for half an hour until after his mom was gone, and if I made any mention of his mother; he would start up again. This is what you call separation anxiety.
          Scientists have been researching separation anxiety, and have come to find that sometimes the reason for it is a double copy of a gene called GTF2I. They took mice, and made it so they either developed a double copy of the gene, a normal copy of the gene, or make it so they are missing the gene. They separated the baby mice from their mothers, and then listened for the squeak that they make that calls for their mothers (something a kin to a puppy when you take it away from its mother). The mice with a double copy of the gene squeaked twice as much as the ones with a normal copy, and the mouse without the gene squeaked noticeably less. This isn’t the reason for most children’s separation anxiety, but is a big portion of the cause.
          This article struck home for me. Like I said in the introduction of this essay, when I babysit for this one family, the child was always fussy. It is really interesting to find out why he was so attached, and why some other kids I would babysit wouldn’t be. I don’t know if mice are the same as children. I would like it if they would do another experiment on if age affects it, because the kid that I would baby sit got considerately better over time, but still had a little bit of trouble when his mom would leave.
I looked up percentage of separation anxiety in children and got this interesting information: “About 4 percent of children and young adolescents suffer from separation anxiety disorder (DSM-IV). Among those who seek treatment, separation anxiety disorder is equally distributed between boys and girls. In survey samples, the disorder is more common in girls (DSM-IV). The disorder may be over diagnosed in children and teenagers who live in dangerous neighborhoods and have reasonable fears of leaving home.” ( Even though it may not be the biggest concern out there right now, I still think it is good that they are looking in on it.
          I don’t think that there is a cure, or that it is even a problem. So if you have a kid with separation anxiety, just let them know you love them, and hopefully you’ll get through it!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Talk for Church

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I am giving a talk in my sacrament meeting this Sunday. Here it is:

                There is a kid in my school that is Jewish. This person likes zombies and makes unusual comments in school. Everybody has him labeled as the “Jewish Kid”, which doesn’t really make sense because his…uniqueness has nothing to do with his religion. Until I looked further into my favorite Article of Faith (the eleventh), I played along and joked about the “Jewish Kid”.

                The eleventh Article of Faith states: “We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let me worship how, where, or what they may.” To me, this basically means that we believe in what we believe in because we WANT to, and because we think that it is right, and we should not judge people or look down on them for what they believe is right. In Micah 4:5 it says “For all people will walk in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever”. Alma 21: 22 says “And he also declared unto them that they might have the liberty of worshiping the Lord their God according to their desires, in whatsoever place they were in…”

                As I have thought more on the whole “Jewish Kid” thing, I feel bad. It’s pretty much going against what I believe in. To redeem myself, I am never going to call him the “Jewish Kid” but instead call him by his real name. I want to have more respect for the people around me, and for what they believe in. In D&C 134 it says “We believe it just to preach the gospel to the nations of the earth and warn the righteous to save themselves from the corruption of the world; but we do not believe it right to interfere with the bondservants, neither preach the gospel to, nor baptize them contrary to the will and wish of their masters, nor to meddle with or influence them in the least to cause them to be dissatisfied with their situations in this life, thereby jeopardizing the lives of men. Such interference we believe to be unlawful and unjust, and dangerous to the peace of every government allowing human beings to be held in servitude.”

                We learn simple lessons as kids such as, “Treat others how you want to be treated” and “If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.”  Those are good ways to live the 11th Article of Faith. Since we do not want to be discriminated against because we are Latter Day Saints, we shouldn’t discriminate against people of other religions. If you are respectful, then you will be respected.

                I know that THIS is the true church. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and I love my Heavenly Father. I’m grateful for the opportunity I had to speak today. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Sister's Keeper

“Darkness, you know, is relative." is a line from the book "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. It is one of the best books that I have ever read. It's just the kind that I like; dramatic, inspirational, and realistic fiction.

        Almost all teenagers are allegedly invinsible. Not Kate Fitzgerald. She has had a rare form of leukimia since she was two years old and has skimmed the very lips of death on a constant basis. In hopes of curing Kate, her parents make a "designer baby" to match to Kate's blood because Jesse (Kate's brother) nor Sara or Brian (Kate's parents) were a match. This baby is Anna. Short for Andromeda. Her father named her that because it was a constellation story line that meant "princess". Throughout Kate's life, Anna is her life saver. Anna is constantly "under the blade" as you would say, giving blood stems, bone marrow, and much other things vital to Kate's survival, if even the smallest health problem occured. When Anna is 13, and Kate is 16, Anna decides that she has had enough, and files a law suit to make any more medical decisions made for her, placed in her hands. Particularly for the most recent; a kidney transplant. The transplant could save Kate's life. Although it would make it so Anna's would be less so. Anna loves to play hockey, and it would make it so she wouldn't be able to play. But it isn't the reason why she filed the lawsuit. In court, it comes to the surface that Kate asked Anna to kill her. Anna instead deciedes to file this suit. Anna ends up winning, but to everybodys dismay, a tragic accident takes place that ends up changing everyones lives for good. The come to realize, you can never take someone for granted.
        The setting of "My Sister's Keeper" takes action in many different places, but mainly in court. This book was very insightful, to me at least. Lines such as "In the English language there are orphans and widows, but there is no word for the parent who loses a child" touch me because I never thought of it before. I loved how this book doesn't do chapters, but instead focuses on each character one at a time to show their point of view. Although it was a little confusing because of the time changes, it was like being able to read minds; and I liked that. I would recommend this book to everyone (especially people of the gender FEMALE) because it is a book that gives you sadness, madness, and happiness all at the same time which sums up for a interesting book that you don't want to put down. It is exceptionally magnetizing because you can't decide how you feel about it. At some parts it's like when you watch the

Saturday, December 3, 2011

OH, and a comma essay....

For biology we have to do a science project. I think that science projects are not the most fun thing in the world, and I would rather spend my time on something different, but when I have to do them, I will. It was tedious, but it was easy because of my choice of experiment. Anyway, for my project I took white grape juice and colored it four different colors; red, orange, yellow, and green. I was testing to see if the color of the juice affected people’s perception of the flavor. The day that I started my experiment, I asked my mom to bring me the juices to my friend’s house, I pleaded very nicely, and she did so. I asked each of my friends to taste the juices and tell me what they thought they tasted like. Many of them said “I have tasted this before!” Nevertheless, nobody guessed correctly. My friend Makell came very close though! She said, “White grape, white grape, white grape, and grape.” When I finished I was very happy! In the end, with help from my mom, I learned something!


The end of this week was so crazy. Thursday I went to school, and then went home like an hour later due to the weather. After I got home, I went to my orthodontist to get my braces. I got purple.  My teeth were way sore, but that’s all normal. But here will be the main part of my blog this week: My surgery yesterday.

                My mouth is (well, I guess WAS now…) pretty messed up. The two canines on the right side of my mouth never fell out. In the x-rays it showed that the grown up teeth were full grown, and wouldn’t push anymore. My baby teeth roots were still in full contact. The canine on the bottom had just grown up, and the baby tooth was still in full contact. The canine on the top was a different story. It had deflected off the canine and somehow got stuck up in the pallet and the root was all twisted in the bone of my pallet. The procedure goes like so…

                I don’t know why it is called a surgery because I didn’t get anesthesia, I just got numbed. They were suppose to give me three shots in the top of my mouth (two in the roof, one in the gum) and two in the bottom (on either side of the tooth). They ended up giving me 4 in my roof and one in my gum on the top. The tooth was further up in then they expected, and I kept feeling the laser (which hurts really, really bad).  They took the laser and burned away a big hole… (I can’t really see it, but it feels like it’s a little smaller than a dime) in the roof of my mouth in order to expose the tooth. Like I said before, it was farther in the bone and farther back then they had expected, so they had to go farther. The taste and smell of burning flesh in your mouth is abhorrent. I have thought about how you would explain it, but you really can’t. It’s nauseating. It smells almost sweet. But not in a good way, it’s possibly like caramel burning in a microwave on some rotten cow or something.  You might just have to try it out to understand. After they laser half your mouth out, they then take out your tooth, making the hole even bigger and longer. That’s kind of all they did on the top of my mouth, and on the bottom they just took out the tooth. I cannot EAT ANYTHING. It hurts way bad. My teeth don’t hurt at all, because when you get the procedure done, they put the laser light on all your gums, so then they are less sore with the braces, but, the holes in my mouth are really arduous to live with. I will have this thing for 2 weeks, and after that time period, they are going to drag my teeth to where they are suppose to be, I am way scared!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


So this weekend I went to California, it was pretty dang fun. It started out with a 5 hour drive on Tuesday to St. George to my cousins house. They are very interesting! Right when we got there, we were beckoned back into the boy’s room, only to find that the pet snake had gotten out. While we were half-heartedly looking for the baby snake which had gone missing, I over came my fear of big snakes, because they also had a huge snake! (No worries, they were both King Snakes, which aren’t venomous, but prefer to strangle their pray to death). *Quick Verity: I don’t know if you knew, but king snakes eat rattlesnakes.* I held the big snake. Yes, I did. And I’m very proud to say I have no fear of holding them now, well, as long as they don’t have venom, and don’t bite, and for picture sake of course.  Along with the two snakes, they have two dogs, two birds, and two fish. They also have 5 kids, are homeschooled, and live a sugar free diet! It is really a vibrant life! I was homeschooled until third grade, until my mom got struck with a pretty nasty virus of Giardia, which made her hair fall out and made her really sick.  Ok, so after we ate a French toast breakfast, we embarked on another journey of 6 hours to California. The first day at Disney Land we walked a total of 15 miles (I know this because my mom wears a pedometer called a “FItBIt”.) On Thanksgiving, we walked 13 miles, and had an exceptionally eventful day. We went on the “Pirates of the Caribbean” in hopes to hear a little “Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me”, but ended up getting stuck on the ride for an hour, listening to that song over and over. I swear, if I ever hear another blimp of that song, I will kill somebody. That song…. is tattooed… into my…. brain. We then had ribs and corn bread and corn and chocolate milk and chicken for dinner. It was really good, and also really expensive. Another day at Disney Land the next day. On Saturday we went to the Gun Show, we are really good friends with the owners of the show, (we actually went with them to two days of Disney Land). We got sunglasses and a Bob Marley bracelet for me. When we were done with that, just my family went to the ocean and looked at tide pools, which are actually way cool! I held like everything in there. Later that night, we went to “The Old Spaghetti Factory” and ate dinner with the two families we had been hanging out with before. We had to wait an hour for a place even to sit, but the time passed by because there was a balloon making guy who made all sorts of creations, and was free. Today was the worst day. We left to hotel at 7:45 this morning, and didn’t get back home until 8:45 tonight, and we only stopped three times! An hour and a half into the drive, my little sister puked up her brains all over in the car… And  I was sitting right next to her when her stomach exploded. I did all that I could to get away from it. But she managed to splatter some right on my favorite jacket. I almost threw up myself. Other than that, all went well, and I’m very ecstatic to be home!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Drove the Sugar Trade?

What Drove the Sugar Trade?

            Today, sugar is an alleged necessity. We have a colossal amount of sugar in our diets every day. We put sugar on our already sugary cereals, in our lunches there is usually a “treat” of a rice crispy treat or brownie, and yes, chocolate milk has sugar. Some soda for a snack, a few kit kats, hot chocolate to keep us warm, sugared yams and cake for dinner.  We consider a day without sugar, a day not done. (At least I do). But little do we know that a while back, you couldn’t buy a candy bar, or let alone a bag of sugar at the store. What drove the sugar trade? I do believe that what drove the sugar trade consists of the following: Land and climate, consumer demand, and complementary goods.

            In order for sugar to grow to its full goodness, it is ideal to have 68-90’ F, 80-90 inches of rain each year, and volcanic or alluvial soil that is sandy/silt/clay. Two Caribbean Islands fit the deal pretty well. Jamaica’s temperature is primarily 68-86 F., has a clay/silt/sand mix, and has generally 77 inches per year.  The temperature in the Barbados ranges from 72-86 F., has clay/sand mix, and has about 60 inches of rain each year (Doc 2). The British own both of those islands (Doc 1). The way that the islands could get money would be to sell the sugar, but even better! They could trade it for things that they needed! But first, people would want it.

            Everyone has somewhat of a sweet tooth. Who doesn’t love a little sugar every now and then? Since we have it at the tips of our tongues, we take it for granted. But in 1846, sugar was limited. So much so, that children would lick the bottom of the barrels that it was transported in (Doc 3). In Britain alone from 1700-1770 the sugar jumped from 4.6 pounds per capita per year to 16.2 pounds per capita per year.  The more that was imported, the more the consumption rocketed (Doc 5). How are they eating all this sugar?

            Sugar goes good with everything. Correct me if I’m wrong. Did you know that chocolate is bitter on its own? That alone would have a huge impact in trade. Chocolate is delectable. A list of all of the things that sugar goes well with would be forever stretching. One thing that sugar goes great with (at least I hear it goes great with, I never have had any) is tea. Tea is and has been the most popular nonalcoholic beverage in the UK (Doc 4). Everything tastes awe-inspiring with sugar in it. So much better than when it is plain. So, That’s why I think that complementary goods drove the sugar trade.

            In finale, I would just like to say that these are the reasons that drove the sugar trade. They all add on to each other, there had to be land to grow the sugar on, people had to want to purchase it, and they had to have a reason to obtain it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I don't know if you realized it, but yesterday was one of the luckiest days of your life. Even though it didn't even seem like anything different; I promise you, it was a once in a lifetime kind of day. You will never experiece another day like that. I envy the people who are alive on 11/11/2111. And I can't even imagine 11/11/1111 at 11:11:11.

Me and my friends celebrated this hmm... Lets just sobriquet it "Awesome Day". On Wednesday, we made these attractive shirts that had 11.11.11 on the front, and a list of the 11 things we had to accomplish. Seriously, everybody else at school was jealous of our swag walking down the hallway yesterdays very fine morning. Here is the list;

1. Eleven jumping jacks at 11:11

2.Eleven pictures of eleven people...

3.Kiss eleven friends ON THE CHEEK!
4.Eleven cookies to eleven strangers (One to each stranger)

5.Eleven prank calls

6.Eleven laps around the house

7.Make an eleven ingredient meal

8.Eleven minute soccer game

9.Try eleven ice cream flavors

10.Eleven laps in pool

11.Order eleven donuts

at 11:11 we went in the hall and had a teacher video us doing 11 jumping jacks; sadly, he forgot to hit record...So we had to do it again really fast before the minute ended.

The pictures thing? I didn't have a camera...But I had my picture taken? I did kiss 11 people on the cheek. All boys. Half of them were really awkward..more like almost all of them. I gave 11 cookies to 11 check. I listened to people in my car doing prank calls... Ohhh boy. We weren't at the house, but more on that later. We didn't have time for the meal because a few of my guy friends, and myself all had soccer games. The boys had two, so we just ordered pizza. We did an eleven minute soccer game between the two games. We tried 11 icecream flavors at my house... They were rather delicios. We were planning on doing 11 laps at Clearfield Aquatic, which is where the futsal games were, but the pool was closed for a swim meet, so we went to Surf 'N' Swim and did that. Swimming is way tiring, but I think I was the only one who got tired.. Or, probably the only one who complained (;. We ordered 2 boxes of eleven donuts. Bon Apetite. But so we swam, then I went to my soccer game, and then watched the two others. By 11:11 at night I was just ready to go to sleep. But there was a little tent at Clearfield Aquatic (I'm so sick of that place, 4 hours last night were spent there. Just kidding, I love soccer), and so people ran around it 11 times and we counted that.

Other than that day was a fun day with friends, I still didn’t feel any different. I’m actually kind of disappointed at the upshot. I was hoping that we were all to be turned into seething beasts, but no, nothing even happened. But next year at 12/12/12..Oh the possibilites!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


So, to tie off my thought from last week, I will tell you about my thoughts on 9/11.
About 3000 lives were lost on the date of 9/11.  Innocent people.. Not even expecting anything.
How many people have been killed by our armies in Iraq?
Iraq Body Count project 103,160 — 112,726 civilian deaths recorded as a result of the conflict and 15,114 new deaths added from the Iraq War Logs.
Isn’t that a little of a difference? And how many of those were innocent children. Maybe we should focus more on the damage that were doing. How are we defending our country? We are in their countries! Why do you think they are coming over and being “terrorists”? We are killing their people, and blowing up their things, all because of oil! Instead of trying to kill them for their land, why not just be allies? It makes no real sense to me. But since it is 10:33 on this fine Sunday evening, I will change my change in thought.
11/11/11 here we go!
So, tonight I went to a dear friend’s house of mine to watch the Real Salt Lake with some other families accompanying us. Although Real lost to LA Galaxy (fun game to watch, Espindala had two of the most intense shot opportunities, and missed, and Beckerman hit the pole.. TWICE. Number 11.. don’t know his name, broke his ankle in May I think, and was still playing. It was crazy, that’s only a few months, and he totally broke it, look it up on Youtube or something. ) It was way fun. We planned what our particular group is going to do for 11/11/11. It’s going to be the most magical, fun packed day! Think of the joyful wishes you could make. I advise thinking of them in advance, because this is a once in a lifetime thing. I wouldn’t be surprised  if at 11:11:11 on 11/11/11, something extreme happened. Like, maybe scientists finally found a way to make clones, and there would be many, many clones running around and nobody knew who was who. I wouldn’t be surprised if every single persons wishes come true. (10:40, what to write, what to write). When we were planning what to do for 11/11/11, we came up with various ideas. I don’t have the list of them right now, because we are making lamentations of the lists, and will get them tomorrow. I have to buy a shirt for 11/11/11 that says 11 on it. Oh, and if any students are reading this right now (teachers don’t be afraid to join), at 11:11 we are all standing up and doing 11 jumping jacks. The only people that know so far are three little chitlins I dare to call my spread it around (10:43, 467 words..soo close).
Don’t you hate that feeling when you totally forget an assignment right before it is due? Yeah, I did that with science, so tomorrow morning, I will be doing homework. But, I want to sleep. And I just hit 500, so see you later. Bye. Ciao. Adios BABAY!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Awesome movie... A beggining to the horrible thing of war....

A favorite movie of mine is called “My Name is Khan”. In short, it is about a man who has Osburgers Syndrome (which is a form of autism) and is a Muslim. He falls in love with a lady, who has a little boy (if I remember right, the little boy is about 9 years old). She agrees to marry him (after some pushing on his part.) Khan (the man) becomes best friends with the little boy, and he and the lady are crazy in love. The movie takes place around the time of 9/11/2001. If you don’t know what date that is…… Well….. Stop living under a stupid rock. The little boy is trying to talk to a long lost best friend (due to the fact that he was Muslim, and the best friend isn’t), and gets beat up by a bunch of kids. The kids beat him up so good that he is horribly injured and can’t get up. They leave him, and he ends up dying. The mom is devastated. She gets very mad at Khan, because he was a Muslim, and if she didn’t marry him, then she wouldn’t be Muslim and neither would her baby. She tells him that he has to leave, and the only way that she will ever love him again is if he goes to the president and tells him to his face “My name is Khan. And I am not a terrorist.” Because he has autism, he takes her very literally. He sets off on a journey to go and find the president. He comes close to coming in contact with him many times. But things never work out; there is always something like a Presidents Dinner…for only Christians. He is trying to yell to him from a crowd… and all anybody hears is “A terrorist” and he is taken in for investigation. He becomes a very big item on the news once everybody finds out his real intention. Will he meet the president? Khan is a very good man and does very good deeds. A kid falls off his bike, and his knee is horribly hurt. Khan carries him to his house and meets a lady that he becomes very good friends with. Then he is on his way again, searching for a way to be able to meet the president. Hurricane Katrina happens, and he comes to find that his friend and her son are in the middle of the destruction. He goes and saves a lot of lives. He starts a chain reaction where all of the news people who are following go and make a contribution to the saving of lives. He finally meets the president. The conversation goes something like this “My name is Khan.” I know… I’ve been…””And I am not a terrorist”.. “I know”. But because of all the effort put towards it. His wife loves him again.

It is a great movie. I recommend it to……everybody. It is one that I have seen many times. The summary that I have isn’t even the beginning of the movie. It is an amazing movie. I really want to watch it again.
Even though it is past 9/11.. I just wanted to say my thoughts on it. It is a horrible thing what happened with the twin towers. Many innocent lives were lost. But I find just as much sorrow in how many innocent lives were taken of people who live in places like Iraq, Iran.. Places like that where we have our armies placed in. I will continue this next week… Stay tuned….. J  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Uh..To be continued.

So, turns out the boys team was skillful, and we lost. But, who really cares, right? I did find instances where  I was particuallarly impressed with both teams, though. This weekend has been awesome. I have hung out with people every day, and its been pretty much...well.... awesome. Wednesday, we made pizzas and decided that we should one day make a buisness entitled "MammaNye's Pizza". And that was all fun and good. hursday, I went on a hike with one of my guy friends, his mom, my mom, and my two little siblings. 6 miles was how long it was, and it is a huge accomplishment, id say. (More than 6 miles for me and my friend because we climbed these weird rock shape things up really high, and that were really sharpe. That was very scary, I found myself almost crying a few times.) After, I gathered up 2 of my girls and the same guy, and we slacklined. It is a really hard sport, look it up on youtube. Then try to get one and see how hard it is. THEN we went to elite. I haven't ever laughed so hard. I discovered that I could do a gainer and a double front flip. I failed to do my gainer before my guy friend, though he might say different because of a silly deal. Yesterday, me, one of my girl friends, and my friends mom, went and did Zumba. I advise to go and do it if you want to have fun, but you have to be willing to dance really weird. After that, we picked up the boys (3 of them) and went to breakfast at Granny Annies. It was my first time there. Me and my best friend went to her house, I tried on her whole wardrobe, and watched tv. Then we went to my house and did our hair and makeup, then went to my other guy friends house, ate some sweedish fish and jumped on the trampoline, and then walked from his house to my best friends house (hmm, lets say thats 2 miles) and watched 1408, which is a movie about a guy who proves that hotel rooms that are supposivly haunted...arent haunted. He comes upon a hotel called the "Dophin Hotel" and discovers that it is really haunted. It was a good movie. I really love scary movies. Who doesn’t?
 It’s kind of hard to write this without naming anybody, because it doesn’t really make much sense.
If you even took the time to read this, you would say that it was really boring. And, it is! But every week for English we have to write 500 words on this blog. I’m very sorry that I couldn’t really have anything interesting, ever. Maybe one day will come where I am writing amazing things, and the whole world enjoys them and loves them. But that day is not today. Nor tomorrow. Probably not next week. Or Month. But by golly…One day…One day…

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I am very nervous.

This Thursday, I am destined to play the boys soccer team that is my age. Half of their team goes to my school. I'm playing defense. I am soooooo scared. Here's why:... First of all.... I am a girl. And they are boys. Boys are just fast. Most of them are faster than me. Especially, me. I have watched their team play, and they have good foot skills. Most girls on my team do, I do sometimes.  But here is the final and most valid fear: What if their like.."wow she really sucks at soccer". I need my rep to be high on soccer.. I just do. So, for this next week, I'm strictly sticking to fruits, vegtables, and grains...starting tomorrow, because my brother is making peanut butter cookies today, but that's not the point. As I may have hinted in a few other of my blog posts, I love food with a furious passion. Love it, especially dairy. Dairy makes you slow. But, that won't be the most of my problems. When I try to show off, I usually end up sucking butt. So, I have to train myself somehow to get my skills to their max. Nobody else in my family plays soccer. So I dont know how I am going to be able to practice without viable competition. Lately, I have only run when forced, and dont push myself. I am going to have to run this week. Since today is Sunday I cant run on the treadmill today. But I can make a running schedule. I need to work on sprints. And how do you do that with a tredmile? I dont know. I'll probably ask my mom to take me to Davis' track, but who wants to do that. I just dont want to embarrass myself. AH! I'm so nervous, nervous, nervous. It makes it10x worse since half of them go to my school. I played a boys team in a 3v3 tournament, and dont you worry, I embarrassed myself fully. But I haven't seen them and dont think I ever will, so that's okay. But half these guys go to my school. And I have set my, uh, teams playing reputaion level pretty high since we have been dominating lately. So we better beat them. I really hope that we will be awesome. Well, Uh, I don’t really care if we win, But I need to prove myself. Its already embarrassing enough that I tried out for my high school soccer team and um, Didn’t make it. And the only time I have to practice is this Tuesday when I have my soccer practice. And instead of practice, we are scrimmaging with a…Not do I word this. Less mature team. But I shouldn’t be saying anything, because I am not so good. Or am I? Good days and bad days. Oh Heavenly Father, Please help me do good. Please.  Anyway, I shouldn’t be so worried. I’ll do fine, I really hope. Cross your fingers, if you would. (:

Friday, October 7, 2011

I love dairy. DAIRY CAN CAUSE THAT? ohhhh no.

My Mom said the other day that she had been talking to her cousin (a very good doctor) about dairy. Her cousin had said that there were studies done to show that dairy can cause tumors and cancer. OH my word. When I heard that...dang...worst news ever. But no! That wasn't even the worst of it. My mom then said the most cussin' cuss ive ever heard. "We are going to start cutting down on the dairy, once the milk and ice cream is gone we aren't going to buy anymore". I cant believe I just typed that. When she said that, I ran to the kitchen and filled a bowl of icecream for myself. I stuffed my face for a few minutes. And then thought to myself... I need to make a plan. My plan took a while to figure out, since ice cream melts, that took away the idea of sneaking it under my bed for special occasions. We only have a few tubs left, so that takes away just hiding it in the back of the fridge. And I'm constantly broke.. so I cant buy it myself! That left one thing... I need to sneak into the store, and steal some. Maybe, I could hide in the freezers, until everybody left. But only one problem, I'm not a ninja. And I'm also a horrible liar. I got into the subject of the milk now. I drink milk for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, happy times, sad times, people take smoke breaks, and i'm taking my milk break. I'm the founder of "Got Milk?" and I can win the gallon challenge, trippling everyone. Of course, I'm just kidding about the "Got Milk?" and the gallon challenge, but hopefully you get the point that i LOVE my dairy. I threw away my blue prints of Smiths, and..haha…and came up with the best plan ever. I have decided to protest. That is if the milk does “go away”. I will boycott all other foods. All other drinks. When I find out that the dairy has been confiscated from my house, I will then go out in a box and live off the street. I told my Dad that I was going to protest if we didn’t keep the dairy. And, he said, that we WERENT getting rid of the dairy. Yes! I won! What a wonderful plan, it was. So, right now I’m enjoying a teaping bowl of icecream, a glass of milk, some cheese, and yogurt. Yumdidliumpscious! My question though, is does dairy really do that? I’m LDS and it never says that dairy is bad (or good) in the word of wisdom, it doesn’t even mention milk. Something my mom mentioned that I never really looked on, was that we are the only animal that drinks another animals milk. What the heck? My brain is just going crazy. Because, I love dairy so much, but I don’t want to be at risk for getting any tumors. I’m so pull this way pull that way with this subject. Ah man.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Everyone messes up... write?

 Ha, So. I just thought that today, I would skim the top layer of embarrassing things that happen to everyone… well, I hope they happen to everyone.
                Let’s start with one, not-so-embarrassing, common thing. Something I call the “miss speller”. It is on the low for my blush levels, partly because, it’s not face to face. Here is my scenario; On Facebook I wrote something to this extent “Yay! Got knew kleats. I’m so pumped for fall season!” Then a few minutes after my post had been loitering the walls of all my 800 something friends, I got a notification. It was from none other, then my crush. “Hehe!” I’m thinking to myself “I KNEW he would finally talk to me one day!” After a little fiesta of dancing and singing, calling up my girls to tell them the tremendous news, writing the date and time in my journal (you know, the regular drill.) I come to find that he had put something like “You spelled c-l-e-a-t wrong”. Wow. Smarto miss Suellen.
                Ahh man. This next one happened to me just the other day. I have a mind either overflowing with thoughts, or no such thing as a “thought” is floating around. I would like to say that it is overflowing, but people may say different. Have you ever been listening to someone talking, but you kind of blank it out? I wonder if that is some type of open-eye sleeping. If so, wow I sleep a lot! So, I was at lunch listening to the regular lunch chit-chat. That particular day I was rather slow getting to lunch, and couldn’t find any of the regular girls, so I ended up stuck with the boys. They don’t eat at 1,000,000 miles per hour. They were talking about video games, and in my mind, I translated it to soccer, or something, I can’t remember exactly what my crippled brain formed it too, but I started raving on about it, and everyone is looking at me like.. “uh, what the crap” And I feel my face turn red and I say something like “Oh, you were talking about VIDEO GAMES I get you know, I was just thin…” And right about that time, people start to get I’m and idiot, and continue on with their old conversation. Oh, and interruptions are pretty embarrassing too. But, I have gotten used to them J.
                Everything seems to be awkward in some way. But the accidental “butt slap” or “hand hold” or “trip on to them so you’re both on the floor, and you actually don’t know them” or “walk into them backwards and when you try to apologize they just look away” are some of my favorite awkward moments. What are you supposed to say when their like “did you just touch my butt”. I usually say “uh, NO! Eww.. you’re a girl, I’m a girl, I’m not bisexual or anything, I like BOYS okay? Boys! Male is my motto.” And I always end up over explaining that I like BOYS to them. And they always walk away in the middle of my sentence.  I always say too much. Always.
                Ok, call me a terrible friend for this one. But, when I’m put in the situation of something reminding me of something somebody told me, I always have an inner argument with myself if they told me not to tell or not. I can never seem to remember! I’ll accidentally tell someone that so and so and so and so are totally a thing now. And all the sudden, I’m getting angry looks in the hall. And at that point, I usually believe that I wasn’t supposed to say anything. Though, on occasion, I’ll go into deep frustrational thought about why all the sudden people hate me and I try to change everything about myself. Maybe I should write down what to say and what not to say. Yeah, yeah! Good idea, right?
                Those are all that I will mention, but I bet that your brain naturally started bubbling humorous thoughts of times that you greatly embarrassed yourselves. Maybe I will add on to this thought next week, but, au revior for now! (I hope that is how you spell revior, since I’m taking French and have been for about 2 years. Tehe.)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Everyone dies, If it happens to everybody, why is it so.. SAD?

Here is a little thing I found.. enjoy..? Do note that it is kind of.. raw.. and suspenseful in a sense.
 I Dont Belong
I dont cry
Strong as a bullet I stand
Until I go
Alone in my room
I cant cut
Because I dont bleed
I dont bruise as bad as you when I get hit
And I dont smile
I dont see why I should
When everythings the same
Everything ends the same way
Somebody dies
And it seems like the end of the world
Everyday starts fresh, right?
You can wake up to the sun, and everything will be okay?
But no.
It's always stormy when you need the sun the most
it always ends up raining
Everytime you think that its over, and it truely almost is
Something else comes along. Someone else dies
And your stuck
Wondering why it is the way it is
Why the clouds have to be a black blanket
over your last glimpse of the sun.
Last sliver of hope.
Trigger to your tears
But! Thats not the worst thing!
NO! Everyone dies.
If it happens to everyone why is
Thats something I cant figure out.
You dont know what you have til its gone
What if, what if
you never had it in the first place
what if you dont feel the way other people do
Its not the way they explain it
Hearts cant break, if you dont have one
If you dont have a heart, like me,
Its a total different feeling
When the tears dont come,
you cant cry
Sometimes... I want to cry! I really do!
I want to feel normal.
I want to cry...when that someone dies
I want to look at myself and say
But you cant be beautiful
when you have so many reasons to be ugly
What do you say!
What do you say...when there is nothing to say!
But everyone is expecting you to say...
But then again!
What do you say!

When there is something to say!
And nobody is expecting anything.
What do you say when that person dies? In your arms?
When their spirit glides out of your reach.. to a better place?
What do you say!
Do you just cry?
What if you cant.
What if the tears are stopped, by the blood on your hands.
But you cant stop punching the walls,
It was your fault!
You cant do anything right!
You can never say sorry
THAT. Is when you cry.
When you know what you've done wrong.
Thats when your heart breaks.
You cant confess... or can you?
You can just hurt yourself!
Forget the pain you caused others.
When you never cry, and then all the sudden, the tears swell,
What do you do?
Have you been lying to yourself?
Who ARE you if your not who you thought you were?
You stop trusting in yourself.
In others.
"Whats wrong?" They might ask...
You will say no. Because
You dont know whats wrong with you. Do you?
You stopped trusting in yourself... you stopped so.. long.. ago.
I dont know ME
ME is the person mysef runs from.
Too scared that
Will make...
I cry.
I lied to you. I do cry.
I cry on the inside.
I hold it in.
Thats why I dont BELONG.
I'm So Strong.
Nobody can tell when I'm secretly dying.
I cant TELL you why I'm so sad!
I would if I could!
But! I cant.
Two words: people say not to say them. I know why!
Some people believe that words actually mean something!

Theres one thing im sure of..
Whenever everyone says you cant..
You can!
Whenever everyone says you can..
You never can.
When you cant meet others expectations.
When you cant meet your OWN expectations..
THAT is when your that someone who dies.
Told you it all ends the same.


Yes. It is a sappy teenager attempt of writing.  But, it made me kind of.. think!  Why is it sooo sad when people die? I haven't ever had someone close to me die. So, I guess I wouldn't know. But it DOES happen to everyone. I say that people get down about death because there is always something they think they should have done, should have said, should have done differently. Thats what I would guess. Maybe they just miss them, or love them. I just think that when someone dies, you should be sad. For alittle. But then you should be happy! Because they are in a better place. The world is a dirty rotten place, isn't it? I think thats its not good to wear black to funerals, because it should be a happy time. Because they are progressing! Maybe their not... Everybodies perspective is different. But, I think that people should be more happy then sad when someone dies.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

True friendships? Are they possible?

The definition of friendship on is as follows: Friendship 1. The state of being friends; friendly relation, or attachment, to a person, or between persons; affection arising from mutual esteem and good will; friendliness; amity; good will 
2.Kindly aid, help, assistance.
   Everyone has a best friend at some point in their life. That best friend may be a person: girl or boy, young or old, fat or skinny, tall or short, black or white, red or yellow. That best friend may even be a rock, a dog, or a toy. Everyone can attest to having someone or something (inanimate or animate) they love enough to call their best friend. But what goes into the making of a best friend?
  I say that it is different for everyone. For some people, someone who is a total jerk, belittles the person, uses them, but will listen to them, and keep their secrets is perfect. For others, it’s someone who will never tell them they are in the wrong, who won’t judge, and will follow them regardless of what path they are taking. For others, a friend is someone who will stand up for you, keep your back, and expect it in return, but they don’t support you, they don’t try to have you choose the right.
  In my opinion, a friend stands up for you and you stand up for them. A friend helps you get through hard times; and has your best path in mind. If you start making bad choices a true friend calls you out on your wrongs, and if you fail to correct them, will discontinue being your friend if the bad choices you make disagree with who they want to be known as. People (if they don’t know you) judge you to be like the people you hang out with. If you decided to get back on track, would support you and help you. An honest friend would keep your secrets. But what if that secret is something that you shouldn't be doing? I say a true friend wouldn't spread rumors, but tell them that they don’t think they should be doing that. Your best friend should be someone you LOVE. They should actually mean something to you. A friendship should never have one person above the other. Both should be supported in their hobbies, and should talk when talking needs to be done, and listen when listening should be done.
  I say that you shouldn't be looking for a whole flock of friends. Here's somewhat of a quote that I remember. If you spend all of your time trying to collect a lot of rocks, then you may find that you dropped some real diamonds on the way.
  Friends are a really important thing that should be treasured. But it's important to be able to judge if a friend is true or not. Some may seem like they are the best friend you could ever have; but if you’re not friends with other people, you never know if they really are!