Sunday, February 5, 2012

Some science reports that I have written!

I am very tired today! The super bowl was good, even though I was rooting for neither team. (Who cares about football anyway?) Have a very good week (:
          Girls and guys bleach their hair sometimes, it can be thought of as desirable. But for coral in the Great Barrier Reef, this is thought of anything but desirable.

          An international research team was lead by Mark Wells and Malcom Shick. Mark is a chemical oceanographer and Malcom is a marine biologist. They were studying coral in the Great Barrier Reef. They found that the coral was bleached. It is known that coral is bleached when temperatures and solar radiation are high, making it so that the antioxidant defenses in the algal endosymbionts and the fish that live in them is overwhelmed and fails them. Not this time. The high temperatures have been limiting the iron in the coral making their photosynthesis and antibiotic systems drop down low, causing them to be beached.

          My opinion is that man tries to control the earth too much. I think that it’s cool and interesting that they observed that. IF they do anything about it… I personally think they shouldn’t. If we mess with natural things too much, they will have to be dependent on the unnatural things we put on them to control them. It is like if you tear some tendons in your ankle (I speak from experience) and you wear your brace past the time your ankle has healed; soon your ankle will lose mobility and strength in your ankle.

          They should leave it alone. It is obviously a natural thing. The sun creates heat, doesn’t it? The temperatures have been higher; that is true, but the seasons will go by, temperatures will drop. Things will be back to normal sooner than later. There is no need to interfere with something that will eventually heal itself over time.

          Observing things is a great way to expand knowledge, and even wonder; but I say if it’s not going to cause the end of the world, then leave it alone!

          You may have heard the saying, “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. As I was searching for an article to do my report on, the word “diamond” caught my eye. Of course, I was interested and clicked on it.
          I came to find that a planet and its pulsar located in the Milky Way Galaxy. But, not just any pulsar, this pulsar was ‘unusual’. A pulsar sends off radio waves which were detected by an international team of researchers led by Matthew Bailes of Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. They decided to name the pulsar “PSR J1719-1438” and then continued their research at the Loveli radio telescope in the UK and one of the Keck telescopes in Hawii. They found out that the “diamond” planet orbits this pulsar in just over 2 hours. The planet is fairly small, but that is for the better of the planet, for if it was any bigger, it would be ripped apart by the gravity of the pulsar. The planet has slightly a greater mass then the planet Jupiter, so that means that it has to be made up of things such as carbon and oxygen, because lighter things would be too big to fit the measurements needed to not be torn apart. The density of the planet means that a large part of it has to be crystalline. THAT would mean that most of the planet may turn out to be similar to diamond.
          I liked this article, but, I don’t think it was very necessary to research it. There was no positive, nor negative effect in finding out that somewhere in the Milky Way there may be a planet made of diamond. If it didn’t cost so much to travel by rocket, then maybe we could go and search it out and see if it had worth of any kind. I do like the thought of a planet, being a big huge diamond. But I could live without it.   
          A planet fully (maybe) mostly made of diamond, or something similar far away serves neither me nor you any purpose. It costs $20 million just to get to the International Space Station (according to an estimate made 3 years ago), so just think about how much more it would cost to go to this supposed diamond planet. And I do feel that there are more desperate issues right now.
          In conclusion, I like knowing that there is a planet perhaps made of diamond (or something similar) is somewhere out in the outer space. It really serves me know purpose to research it any further, or the scientists, in my opinion. They could be trying to figure out more urgent things that the world scientifically could use a boost. It’s like knowing that there is a very expensive diamond necklace at a store in Idaho, nice to hear, no real need.

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