Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Perfect Boy

Every girl has their expectations of what their perfect boy would be like. I don’t know if that is the same for boys, actually I am pretty sure it isn’t. Even though it would be nice for your soul mate to match your perfect person, they usually aren’t. Even with this discouraging thought, it is still nice to dream! So I would just like to give my list of qualities and such for my “perfect boy”.
Let’s start with the outward appearance. Tall would be nice, at least 7 inches taller than me. Fit, you know; good muscles, active, and etc. A good back and shoulders, most people wouldn’t really be focused on that, but it really makes a difference. Bacne (back acne) is not attractive. Smell and hygiene; Really. Food doesn’t smell good, sorry guys. I like the smell of manly deodorant; it’s not that hard to find a good smelling deodorant, take a girl with you. Good hands is a big thing too, long fingernails is the most disgusting (okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration) thing. Especially if there is crap in them. He will also have to KNOW how to hold hands. Interlocking fingers is nice, but not the whole mitten hand approach. I like it when guys where socks when they are inside. I hate how feet look. Okay, enough on outward. Let’s dig a little deeper.
Passionate is the biggest thing for me. Anything; if they are passionate about something (and again, I say anything), it is so attractive. Even if it is something totally nerdy, like fencing, or something. I just wish that guys would just EXPRESS THEIR FEELINGS. If you like me, tell me you like me! My heck. Religious is nice. Yes, I love it when guys love God. Nice, courteous, devoted, outgoing, loyal, loving, mother-loving (any boy that treats his girl like a princess, has been raised by a queen), nice to kids and animals, warm, good hugger, good kisser (c’mon), smart, gets good grades (actually great grades, I need to be provided for), clean, organized, understanding, funny (not dirty funny, because then we are ASSURED of what’s going on in your head. We can pretend like you’re not thinking nasty things about girls the whole time, but when you express it, no), good eye connection (looks at your eyes), knows how to text back (it hurts feelings), not afraid to be unpopular, romantic (not all the time though, but every once in a while. Another word but Baby, or Babe, or Sexy, or Hottie. We like Beautiful, and gorgeous, and princess, and honey, and sweetie, and…just anything that doesn’t refer to our sexual appeal.), accents (bonus, but let’s not get stuck on that), slow to temper  (but knows how to argue).
OH I could go on forever, but I am getting close to my 500 words, and who would want to do more work than is required? Not me! Especially since I have more homework to do that is due tomorrow. Have a great week!

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