Saturday, March 31, 2012

Girls v. Boys

In my regular English class, there was a question that we had to write a response to that was at least 100 words. I wrote about that many, and felt rather unfinished. So I thought that I would continue the thought. The question was whether same sex or opposite sex make better ‘best friends’. I certainly couldn’t sufficiently pontificate this in a measly hundred words, so I will continue, but I am just going to do it from my own (a girls’) point of view.

My best friend is a girl! And there are many advantages; I can just talk, and she will listen. It seems that when I am with boys, I always have to be running around, doing something constantly, and it feels like only in a blue moon that we just sit and talk.  I don’t really have to look like anything spectacular, or flirt (that would be freaking weird). With girls, you can primp. If you didn’t already know, primping is when you get ready even further than you had at the beginning of the day. My best friend and I primped for like 4 hours on New Year’s Eve. Partly because nobody could hangout before 7, and I went over to her house at like 2, and once we got started, we just couldn’t stop! Sure, I ended up running around, getting all dirty therefore undoing all my ‘hard work’, but it was kind of a bonding thing, I guess. Chick flicks are another thing. I won’t even go into that, they are pretty self explanatory. It’s always nice to have one girl there when you are hanging out with a group of guys. If you need to go to the bathroom, or start your period, or anything of that sort, then you automatically have a reassurance by your side. Boys don’t really care and are grossed out. I love my best friend! Anything negative doesn’t apply to her, we are really close and so it is always good to have her around!

Now onto boys; boys are so fun to hang out with! You can always find something fun to do, and I feel like you never end up sitting around eating ice cream getting fat, which is, you know, nice. Boys are so much easier to get along with, especially if you don’t know them really well. I would rather be in a situation stuck with some guy that I didn’t know than a girl. It might just be because of the constant attraction girls and boys have that makes it more interesting. Some of the most fun times that I have had are when I am the only girl. I can express my less feminine side… Which is watching sports, and playing sports and eating lots, and etc. I have a really competitive nature, and so it is a great time when I get somebody that I can compete with and that will kick my butt so I can actually get better. With girls, it is always just a little more weak, and wimpy..You know what I mean? I don’t get self conscious when I am the only girl. Though it is nice to have a girl there to help you look alright, there is so much competition; it is just natural law. Even if the guys aren’t hot and you don’t like any of them, for some reason, you just have to be the one they talk to. And last but not least, the obvious; there is so much less drama! Girls have drama written all over them.

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