Sunday, November 6, 2011


So, to tie off my thought from last week, I will tell you about my thoughts on 9/11.
About 3000 lives were lost on the date of 9/11.  Innocent people.. Not even expecting anything.
How many people have been killed by our armies in Iraq?
Iraq Body Count project 103,160 — 112,726 civilian deaths recorded as a result of the conflict and 15,114 new deaths added from the Iraq War Logs.
Isn’t that a little of a difference? And how many of those were innocent children. Maybe we should focus more on the damage that were doing. How are we defending our country? We are in their countries! Why do you think they are coming over and being “terrorists”? We are killing their people, and blowing up their things, all because of oil! Instead of trying to kill them for their land, why not just be allies? It makes no real sense to me. But since it is 10:33 on this fine Sunday evening, I will change my change in thought.
11/11/11 here we go!
So, tonight I went to a dear friend’s house of mine to watch the Real Salt Lake with some other families accompanying us. Although Real lost to LA Galaxy (fun game to watch, Espindala had two of the most intense shot opportunities, and missed, and Beckerman hit the pole.. TWICE. Number 11.. don’t know his name, broke his ankle in May I think, and was still playing. It was crazy, that’s only a few months, and he totally broke it, look it up on Youtube or something. ) It was way fun. We planned what our particular group is going to do for 11/11/11. It’s going to be the most magical, fun packed day! Think of the joyful wishes you could make. I advise thinking of them in advance, because this is a once in a lifetime thing. I wouldn’t be surprised  if at 11:11:11 on 11/11/11, something extreme happened. Like, maybe scientists finally found a way to make clones, and there would be many, many clones running around and nobody knew who was who. I wouldn’t be surprised if every single persons wishes come true. (10:40, what to write, what to write). When we were planning what to do for 11/11/11, we came up with various ideas. I don’t have the list of them right now, because we are making lamentations of the lists, and will get them tomorrow. I have to buy a shirt for 11/11/11 that says 11 on it. Oh, and if any students are reading this right now (teachers don’t be afraid to join), at 11:11 we are all standing up and doing 11 jumping jacks. The only people that know so far are three little chitlins I dare to call my spread it around (10:43, 467 words..soo close).
Don’t you hate that feeling when you totally forget an assignment right before it is due? Yeah, I did that with science, so tomorrow morning, I will be doing homework. But, I want to sleep. And I just hit 500, so see you later. Bye. Ciao. Adios BABAY!

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