Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Awesome movie... A beggining to the horrible thing of war....

A favorite movie of mine is called “My Name is Khan”. In short, it is about a man who has Osburgers Syndrome (which is a form of autism) and is a Muslim. He falls in love with a lady, who has a little boy (if I remember right, the little boy is about 9 years old). She agrees to marry him (after some pushing on his part.) Khan (the man) becomes best friends with the little boy, and he and the lady are crazy in love. The movie takes place around the time of 9/11/2001. If you don’t know what date that is…… Well….. Stop living under a stupid rock. The little boy is trying to talk to a long lost best friend (due to the fact that he was Muslim, and the best friend isn’t), and gets beat up by a bunch of kids. The kids beat him up so good that he is horribly injured and can’t get up. They leave him, and he ends up dying. The mom is devastated. She gets very mad at Khan, because he was a Muslim, and if she didn’t marry him, then she wouldn’t be Muslim and neither would her baby. She tells him that he has to leave, and the only way that she will ever love him again is if he goes to the president and tells him to his face “My name is Khan. And I am not a terrorist.” Because he has autism, he takes her very literally. He sets off on a journey to go and find the president. He comes close to coming in contact with him many times. But things never work out; there is always something like a Presidents Dinner…for only Christians. He is trying to yell to him from a crowd… and all anybody hears is “A terrorist” and he is taken in for investigation. He becomes a very big item on the news once everybody finds out his real intention. Will he meet the president? Khan is a very good man and does very good deeds. A kid falls off his bike, and his knee is horribly hurt. Khan carries him to his house and meets a lady that he becomes very good friends with. Then he is on his way again, searching for a way to be able to meet the president. Hurricane Katrina happens, and he comes to find that his friend and her son are in the middle of the destruction. He goes and saves a lot of lives. He starts a chain reaction where all of the news people who are following go and make a contribution to the saving of lives. He finally meets the president. The conversation goes something like this “My name is Khan.” I know… I’ve been…””And I am not a terrorist”.. “I know”. But because of all the effort put towards it. His wife loves him again.

It is a great movie. I recommend it to……everybody. It is one that I have seen many times. The summary that I have isn’t even the beginning of the movie. It is an amazing movie. I really want to watch it again.
Even though it is past 9/11.. I just wanted to say my thoughts on it. It is a horrible thing what happened with the twin towers. Many innocent lives were lost. But I find just as much sorrow in how many innocent lives were taken of people who live in places like Iraq, Iran.. Places like that where we have our armies placed in. I will continue this next week… Stay tuned….. J  

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